Saturday, May 4, 2013

triangle layout, and a few older works

Haven't really been working on anything lately, things have been crazy.  I do have a few templates I've started.  I find it helps me to block out my idea in photoshop using greyscale to perfect the layout before moving onto colors, textures, and depth.

Here's one that I think is pretty well done:  Let me know what you think, and if there's any interest I could add a photoshop version for everyone.

I also have a few older projects I can share with you.

These pages were fun to make and went very quickly.  They're quite simple, but I kind of like the understated design.

This one was a bit of a challenge for me because of the colors of the photos.  They were taken in a pumpkin field, so everything was brown and dead and we all wore blue! 

You can also see all my older works in my gallery!
~Digital Nicole

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