About Nicole

I have always loved to scrapbook, but it wasn't until I had children that the passion became very focused and driven.  Every minute I'm not spending with my children, I spend scrapbooking about my children!  I currently have 3 children.  My oldest Quinn, is 5.  She is so fun!  She hasn't quite mastered the art of smiling for the camera, so I primarily have candid shots of her, which are so raw with emotion.  My second daughter, Sadie, is 3.  She's so easily excitable, which you would think would make for good photos... it doesn't.  She screams and jumps around and covers her face when she's happy, it's so SO cute, but doesn't translate to photos.  My baby boy, Ronan, is a year old.  His smiles and laughter can light up a room.  He's the only one of my children who can really smile for the camera; too bad he's just a baby and doesn't really do anything else.  No matter how good (or bad) my children are captured in photographs, I love them unconditionally. 

The other major passion in my life is pregnancy and childbirth.  I had two utterly 'normal' births with my girls that didn't seem to satisfy me and left me feeling cheated, used, betrayed, and wanting.  I couldn't explain it.  It wasn't until Ronan was born (delivered by my husband, in my living room) that I realized how exciting, empowering, and fun birth could be! Yes, I said it - FUN!!!! I want all women to be able to have an empowering labor and childbirth, however they choose.

If you don't know your choices, you don't have any.

Follow me on pinterest!

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