Saturday, May 11, 2013

How Spring And Pinterest Are Destroying My Scrapbook.

I don't know why I haven't had the desire so scrap lately.  Perhaps its the changing weather that's made me restless.  I want to be outdoors.  I want to make summer dresses, plant my garden, and decorate my house.

I also blame pinterest.  I see so many absolutely stunning pages there that I can scrap vicariously through them! Who knew that was possible.  By the time I get done scouring the web for the most amazing work it's 2am, I'm hunched and squinting at my computer screen and my eyes are bloodshot.  So I go to bed.

I'll share a few older works though.  Nothing exceedingly exciting.

 This one was fun because I seriously ADORE Halloween. 

I'm actually quite fond of these pages.  The photos lend themselves to this soft palette of warm greys and shades of turquoise.  And of course, as all scrapbookers know, it brings back such fond memories.

Stay inspired,
~Digital Nicole

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