Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why I DigiScrap

I've always had a way with arts and crafts, and in my teens this was directed at scrapbooking.  I loved it, but as a poor college student the cost was prohibitive.  The paper alone cost more than I could afford, let alone stamps, ink, embellishments, ribbons, buttons, bows, cutting implements, pens, markers, etc.  In despair, I temporarily abandoned scrapbooking.

Then, I entered a design program in college.  I got a hold of my first copy of adobe creative suite and started playing with Photoshop and illustrator.  Then, in 2008 after having my daughter and being home a lot I had so much more time on my hands and started to get back into scrapbooking.  I went to the store to buy some supplies and left empty handed.  I was so disheartened that I went home and just started editing some photos.  I don't exactly remember how it happened from there, but I found a copy of some terrible 'scrapbooking' software.  I am using the term lightly... It was no more scrapbooking than a pile of ingredients is a pie.  I remember putting photos into the program and having no way to edit them!  The only thing I could do was arrange the order of elements and rotate them.  What a joke. 

Then it hit me - All I need are the elements.  I have Photoshop!  So I spent the rest of the day online downloading digital papers and embellishments.  That was the day I started digiscrapping. 

~Digital Nicole

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