Friday, October 26, 2012

Weekend WIPs (Works In Progress)

Yea yea, I know it's Friday, not exactly the weekend... But I have a wedding this weekend so you'll get my Works In Progress (WIPs) early...

So I've got a lot of projects in the works, some more complete than others.  Lets start with those that are less complete:

Here I'm just working on a layout where I'd like to include 5 pictures.  Its challenging to do anything more than 3 or 4 pictures without it looking overly crowded or pieced together. Which is better???

This is a two page spread I started yesterday.  Even though I made it pretty far into the first page yesterday, I try not to complete a page 100% in just one day.  I don't just run out of time, or get distracted; I do this intentionally.  I find that after a day or two away from a project I can come back with a fresh set of eyes and see the composition in a way I hadn't seen it before.  I'll have had time to reflect on the journaling I want to add and how I want to do that.  For example, yesterday I thought that the cutout picture on the left page was okay, but now I see it's just sitting in the middle of nowhere.  I need to integrate it better.  And the little birdie on the right page, not as cute as I thought. 

Now for a set a little farther along in the design process:

As you can see I only have a general "text" block.  I decided what font I wanted, and the approximate size and shape of the text block.  I still haven't decided on the exact wording to use yet though.  Other than that, these are pretty much complete.  I'm sure I'll find a few things to tweak before I finalize them and send them off to the printer.  In fact, as I look at them now, I'm not exactly thrilled about the little "make/model/year" box on the right page.  I think the handwritten part needs to actually be handwritten; the 'handwriting' font just isn't doing it for me.  I'll probably change that before it's all said and done. 

What do you think?  Remember, I appreciate honest, constructive criticism.

~Digital Nicole

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