Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Creative block

Well, these first few certainly aren't my best work, but they'll do.  I had such a bad case of creative block that I couldn't get anything done well.  I may go back and re-work some of these, or just pitch them and start from scratch!  In fact, the first one here, is my second attempt at these images.  Much better than my first (I assure you) but still lacking inspiration.


very uninspired and juvenille

started with a cluster

The baseball layout, again, is not my favorite, but it's acceptable for now until I decide if I should accept it, re-work it, or just start over.  The left page of the last layout here started as a cluster element that I modified to suit my needs.  I made it a bit more elaborate by duplicating some of the leaves and flowers and  adding the glitter/pearls.  The page on the right used some of the same elements, I just arranged them differently to suit the image size I needed. 

After these 3 layouts I'm not super thrilled with, I created a truly inspired page.  one of my favorites I've ever worked on:

AAAHHHH, refreshing!  Finally a layout I am proud to put my name on!
This one really is one of my favorites.  The background paper is comprised of several transparent layers, including a few stamps, paint splatter, and paint strokes.  Each of the circles were individually layered, because I didn't have any elements that suited my needs.  The date on both pages was hand written, then scanned, and placed in the layout using a transparent layer. 

Maybe this layer isn't as great as I think, but after the previous three, it feels AMAZING!  I'm so proud of this one. 

And don't forget, you can check out all my layouts in my gallery.

Thank you,
~Digital Nicole

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