Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Couple Posters

A friend of mine had a few requests for some posters, so I whipped these up for her:
First, she requested a special gift to celebrate someone who's had a great impact on her life.  I can imagine this template being used in so many ways!  What mother or father wouldn't love to receive a personalized picture for mother's/father's day?  Or given to a special teacher who had a significant impact on your (or your child's) education.  Or simply between best friends parting ways for college.

This one was a lot more straight forward.  The dance studio where she teaches was offering some special group rates for a trip to see Wicked, the musical.  This striking graphic is straightforward and eye-catching, perfect for a busy dance studio whose attendees range from kindergarten to college age and beyond.
I couldn't be happier with the results of these two posters, and most importantly, my friend loved them!
Digital Nicole

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