Saturday, August 3, 2013

I'll get right down to it.

Yes - it's been a while since I posted anything.  No - I don't have an excuse.

You'll notice the pages are dated 2009, but in my defense, I only finished them a few months ago.  Like so many of you, I have a terrible back log.  For a while I was catching up, but I've been devoting myself to other things lately and have fallen behind again.

These pages were hilariously quick to put together.  They are understated, but I didn't want to detract from the craziness going on in the photos.

 This is another set of very simple pages, but with so many photo's I felt it was necessary to keep the embellishments to a minimum or risk a chaotic, confusing layout.

This is another understated layout.  I truly wanted to showcase the photos here, especially the one on the right because it's so rare that Zach gets a photo with all his siblings.  Even so simple, each piece was methodically chosen to create an elegant design.

And we've finally reached the end of the year!  This page isn't anything too special to me, but truthfully, neither were the photos.  They're cute, for sure (of course I'm biased), but they weren't of exceptional quality or content.  I really just needed a solid way to end vol. 09.

Happy Scrapping,
~Digital Nicole